We went to Seoul yesterday with Pastor Kim. First we went to the Cancer Treatment Hospital so he could visit someone in his cell group. We just waited in the car while Chloe slept. Then we went to a large bookstore in Seoul called Kyobo. This is a popular bookstore which are throughout Korea. We even have one in Cheonan, but it isn't as big as the one in Seoul. So I got some books to use for teaching English and also some books to read while I'm here. We also got some books in English for Pastor Kim so he can practice his English: The Shack, Heroes, and The Giver. He is excited to read these books because he doesn't have any like these yet because he didn't know which ones to buy. Chloe also got another book, I'll give you one guess at what it is. That's right, another Princess book. This one is in English as well. We already have a Korean book dealing with Fairy Princesses. I hope she doesn't grow out of this stage anytime soon because everything we have is princess. Maybe she'll grow out of it just as the other little girl is growing into it so there won't be any fighting over whose princess is whose. We also saw the Blue House which is the equivalent to our White House. It is very big and traditional looking. We went to the top of a high mountain (bookachsan, north mountain) and you could see Seoul for miles, although it was a little cloudy. The city looks like a little Lego set. Every building stacking higher than the next. We ate at Subway, which is so not Korean. We asked for Korean but Pastor Kim was tired of Korean I think and really wanted American, so we ate at Subway. I think it was a good idea because Chloe was starving and ate a whole 6-inch sub by herself. Wow! She's beginning to be more like her daddy everyday. Today, Brandy said she wants to venture out on her own and actually go to the grocery store by herself. I hope everything goes well with that. We still don't have our cell phones yet, but maybe tomorrow. We tried to get one last night but we couldn't figure out what an internet phone was so we decided to wait. We had a fun time walking around this BIG city, but it was a little too crowded for me.