Thursday, January 22, 2009

We're Here!

So, we made it. I can't post as much as I want because we don't have internet at our place yet. But I'll try to post everytime I come to the church because it does have internet. We went shopping already and bought the minimal amount for our family. We went walking yesterday and found a grocery store close to our home. We also met another American family with a daughter about 18 months old. Brandy's very excited that they can get a playdate together whenever we can get cell phones. I'm staying busy now with the church. I have a lot more responsibilities than I originally thought I would have. Not only am I starting an English class, I'm also leading all of the English things that happen in the church; which they don't have yet. Such as: English worship service, English cell groups, English bible studies (Sunday School), English Saturday school with children from church, and so on. I'm excited I have so much to do but I also feel overwhelmed. I pray God will help me to fulfill all of the dreams that the pastor has of this English ministry. In the meantime I'm just waiting around and visiting people and places and trying to learn Korean. This is a starting point for me - If you find any sites that are also good, give me a shout-out post, thanks.
Another is
P.S. I will try to post pictures and videos next time.


Kathryn said...

Wow! We'll be praying for you guys as you sort out your responsibilities and make decisions. I'm so glad Brandy and Chloe have playdate buddies. How cool!

NanaB said...

I'm praying for you Buddy. Everything will fall into place...'May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.' Psalm 20:4
Love ya,