Friday, April 3, 2009

Monsters vs Aliens

The Video: Chloe Models Flowers

Aliens seems to be the subject of a lot of movies recently. Why is that? What happened to something cool at the end of the movie? I'm sorry for anyone who hasn't seen the new Indiana Jones, but I thought the movie ending was awful. And then I just saw another new movie which ends with aliens, and another 2 hours of my memory wasted. I think Hollyworld would be a better place if they thought of a more creative ending than aliens. It just seems that people really want to believe in something greater and they choose aliens. Stupid, I know. I challenge directors and writers everywhere to come up with a different ending than aliens. I liked it back in the day when you knew they were aliens the whole time and people coped with it or tried to destroy it. Monsters vs Aliens was pretty good. Not as funny as I thought it would be, but good graphics and story. I say stick to good ole romance, violence, monsters, dinosaurs, and Jackie Chan. Wow, I just made the best outline for a movie ever. We all know who makes the best movies anyways, Chloe.

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