Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Chloe Take 2

This is the anticipated sequel to her first movie. This one is title "The Train Station" and has a trailer along with it to hype up the main movie. Chloe spent hours and minutes working on this video so I hope you enjoy it. On a more serious note, be praying for us because we're going to definitely need it. First, Carol's flying in on
Friday and it's a long flight, pray for safety. Brandy and I start classes next Monday, pray for wisdom and energy. Chloe's feeling better but we don't want a stomach flu to sweep through our house, especially with a guest coming, pray for health. Lastly, I feel overwhelmed with all of the things coming my way I feel like I'm being stretched thin, pray for strength and understanding. The English service we attended on Sunday was great. They are Nazarene which believes the things we believe but they celebrate some other stuff like Lent. Since we're only going there once a month, Lent will be over by the time we go back. We took a taxi to the University the church is held and took a train for the ride back and it was a lot cheaper. But, we waited almost an hour for the train so next time we know what time to leave the church so we won't have to wait that long again. We did however get some good video clips which I'm sure you've seen by now. It wasn't that cold so we didn't freeze while we waited around. We actually had a fun time running around and talking, something we seem to not have time for. Brandy is very excited about Carol coming because that means they get to get the baby room ready. How exciting! I feel overwhelmed with emotions when I think about the next little girl in my life. With Chloe, it was a feeling of confusion and chaos. I didn't know how to take care of a child, let alone their whole life. Chloe was a blessing to me and Brandy and you can't take that away, I'm sorry next little girl. But the feelings I feel with this little girl are only love. I know how this time, which is different than when Brandy was carrying Chloe. I know what to expect and I can't wait for it to happen again. I can now see how the grandparents feel with Chloe, except I only had to wait two years compared to your 23 years.
I heard that you guys got snow in Georgia. That's crazy! I heard it was a blizzard of snow. That's just typical. Once we move to the other side of the world just to get some snow, it snows even more where we moved from. I believe that we sent you that snow, and you're welcome. Thanks for everything you's guys and talk to you later. By the way, if you want the local number that you can call from any phone you have and contact us on our computer with no international calling fees, just e-mail me or Brandy and we can give it to you.


PastorBryan24 said...

No offense...but I think Chloe just ripped off Batman. I could be wrong...but I don't think so.

Pretty funny though. Great editing. "How you doing that?"

Beloved of the Lord said...

Well done Chloe!!
There are some really cool shoes in this movie...
did you see the heels on those boots??

I know you're not doing this editing on the Flip software... please share your secretes with the rest of us... I see that Bryan was curious to... I think this would make a very informative post if you get the time.

Rick Womack said...

hey guys, just found this blog...i'll check back when i have more time to read and watch more - so cool that you guys are doing this!

bjtrain83 said...

Well, I just use Windows Movie Maker which comes with most Windows-based computers. There are tutorials you can watch to help you learn how to do it. Just save the video files from your Flip Video and then import it into Windows Movie Maker and begin the magic.