Sunday, March 22, 2009

Donut Bookbag

Brandy and Chloe like Dunkin Donuts, and it so happens that we have one. So Brandy and Chloe visit that place as their reward for walking the mile it takes to get there. Of course I get jipped because I never get a piece of the heart donut, ever. I just get whatever's left which still tastes like sugar heaven in a country full of unsweet snacks. You think sweet tea is a phenomenon in New England? Try Korea where there's either hot tea or coffee. Their "sweet" snacks are made from rice or beans, somehow. At first, is tastes like a sweet toothpaste wrapped in soft bread, but after a while you get used to the unsweetness of it and learn to like it. This is how you lose 10 lbs in 2 months: eat nothing but vegetables, rice, and beans. Even the snacks are made out of the same thing, so that's why I miss American food; I miss the junk. It's bad for you, I know, but your tastes buds ignite with flavor and your whole body just feels satisfied. I think it's something about endorphins and stuff but I just think it's the sugar. So, we try to get the endorphins for Chloe and Brandy as much as possible.

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