Saturday, March 14, 2009

Two are better than One

Well, I don't have basketball tonight. This is the 2nd week in a row that they have not allowed us into the gym on Saturday night, which is our regular time to play b-ball. I think this might be a permanent move so we need to make a new night for b-ball. But in its absence I have the time to complete the installing of the rest of the videos. I hope you enjoy, and I also apologize for not getting a special Chloe movie. She can only do so much at a time. I couldn't force her to make another masterpiece in such short notice. It's like asking asking a tree to produce fruit in the winter. It's just not the right time. So here are some normal boring videos from the regular uncreative folk. Some of the videoing shows a smidgen of talent that Chloe could have inherited from her mother.

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